A phase II trial of pan-KIR2D blockade with IPH2101 in smoldering multiple myeloma.
Korde, N.,Carlsten, M.,Lee, M. J.,Minter, A.,Tan, E.,Kwok, M.,Manasanch, E.,Bhutani, M.,Tageja, N.,Roschewski, M.,Zingone, A.,Costello, R.,Mulquin, M.,Zuchlinski, D.,M...; Haematologica. 2014 Mar 25.
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Unusual Late Presentation of Hemophilia A in an Active Duty U.S. Marine Following Open Shoulder Surgery.
Shapiro, B. H.,Minter, A. R.,McDonald, L. S.; Mil Med. 2015 Dec 04.
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Bone marrow abnormalities and early bone lesions in multiple myeloma and its precursor disease: a prospective study using functional and morphologic imaging.
Bhutani M, Turkbey B, Tan E, Korde N, Kwok M, Manasanch EE, Tageja N, Mailankody S, Roschewski M, Mulquin M, Carpenter A, Lamping E, Minter AR, Weiss BM, Mena E, Linde...; Leuk. Lymphoma. 2016-05-01.
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