Dr. Avanti Ambekar is a radiologist from Burlingame, California. She has an overall medical experience of 16 years. Dr. Ambekar graduated in 2001 from the Northwestern University Feinberg. She completed an internship at the New York Medical College, a residency in radiology, and a fellowship in neuroradiology at UCSF. She is a board-certified specialist in diagnostic radiology and neuroradiology. Dr. Ambekar also contributed to several publications and the subjects she covered are 3-dimensional fast spin echo imaging, MRI, and CT of insufficiency fractures. At the moment, Dr. Ambekar is affiliated with San Mateo Medical Center and Mills-Peninsula Health Services in Burlingame.
Northwestern University Feinberg
Medical School
New York Medical College

American Board of Radiology
San Mateo Medical Center
Languages: English/Spanish
(650) 573-2222
222 W 39th Ave
San Mateo, California 94403 
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Dr. Avanti Ambekar has contributed to 1 publications.
Isotropic 3-dimensional fast spin echo imaging versus standard 2-dimensional imaging at 3.0 T of the knee: artificial cartilage and meniscal lesions in a porcine model.
Ristow, O., Stehling, C., Krug, R., Steinbach, L., Sabo, G., Ambekar, A., Huber, M., Link, T. M.; J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2010 Mar 01.
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