Dr. Brian Bolwell has contributed to 3 publications.
Health-Related Quality of Life among Older Related Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors (>60 Years) Is Equivalent to That of Younger Related Donors (18 to 60 Years): A Related Donor Safety Study.
Switzer GE, Bruce J, Kiefer DM, Kobusingye H, Drexler R, Besser RM, Confer DL, Horowitz MM, King RJ, Shaw BE, Riches M, Hayes-Lattin B, Linenberger M, Bolwell B, Rowle...; Biol. Blood Marrow Transplant.. 2017-01-01.
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Outcomes of autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation in primary amyloidosis after bortezomib-based induction therapy.
Hong S, Valent J, Rybicki L, Abounader D, Bolwell B, Dean R, Gerds AT, Jagadeesh D, Hamilton BK, Hill B, Kalaycio ME, Pohlman B, Reu F, Samaras C, Sobecks R, Majhail N...; Bone Marrow Transplant.. 2016-05-01.
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Long-term survival after high-dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation in metastatic breast cancer.
Hamilton BK, Rybicki L, Abounader D, Andresen S, Kalaycio M, Sobecks R, Pohlman B, Hanna R, Dean R, Liu H, Hill B, Bolwell B, Copelan E; Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Ther. 2015-09-01.
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