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Dr. Donald Johnson is a specialist in radiology in Sheffield, Alabama, and he is associated with more local hospitals, such as Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital and Russellville Hospital. He graduated from University of Utah School of Medicine where he got his medical degree. He did a transitional year internship at Denver Health Medical Center. The doctor also did two residency programs, both of them in radiology. The first one was done at Naval Medical Center and the second one at University of Alabama Medical Center. He is board certified in diagnostic radiology. Dr. Donald Johnson has a practical experience of more than 20 years.
Blue Cross of California
Blue Shield of California
First Health PPO
United Healthcare
University of Utah
Medical School
Denver Health Medical Center
Naval Medical Center
University of Alabama Medical Center
American Board of Radiology
American Board of Radiology - Diagnostic Radiology
Geographic patterns of non-carpeted floor dust loading in Syracuse, New York (USA) homes
Johnson, D. L.,Hunt, A.,Griffith, D. A.,Hager, J. M.,Brooks, J.,Stellalevinsohn, H.,Lanciki, A.,Lucci, R.,Prokhorova, D.,Blount, S. L.; Environ Geochem Health. 2008 May 06.
See more >>A first generation dynamic ingress, redistribution and transport model of soil track-in: DIRT
Johnson, D. L.; Environ Geochem Health. 2008 Jun 12.
See more >>Dr. Donald Johnson is a specialist in radiology in Sheffield, Alabama, and he is associated with more local hospitals, such as Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital and Russellville Hospital. He graduated from University of Utah School of Medicine where he got his medical degree. He did a transitional year internship at Denver Health Medical Center. The doctor also did two residency programs, both of them in radiology. The first one was done at Naval Medical Center and the second one at University of Alabama Medical Center. He is board certified in diagnostic radiology. Dr. Donald Johnson has a practical experience of more than 20 years.
Blue Cross of California
Blue Shield of California
First Health PPO
United Healthcare
University of Utah
Medical School
Denver Health Medical Center
Naval Medical Center
University of Alabama Medical Center
American Board of Radiology
American Board of Radiology - Diagnostic Radiology
Geographic patterns of non-carpeted floor dust loading in Syracuse, New York (USA) homes
Johnson, D. L.,Hunt, A.,Griffith, D. A.,Hager, J. M.,Brooks, J.,Stellalevinsohn, H.,Lanciki, A.,Lucci, R.,Prokhorova, D.,Blount, S. L.; Environ Geochem Health. 2008 May 06.
See more >>A first generation dynamic ingress, redistribution and transport model of soil track-in: DIRT
Johnson, D. L.; Environ Geochem Health. 2008 Jun 12.
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