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Testicular mesothelioma is responsible for less than 1% of all diagnosed cases of mesothelioma. Consequently, the disease has not been extensively researched and the number of treatments available in clinical trials is relatively small.

Nevertheless, it is still possible for patients to find a recruiting or ongoing clinical trial for testicular mesothelioma, either by accessing  https://www.mesotheliomadr.com/clinical-trials or by getting in contact with their local oncology specialists who can help them sign up for a recruiting clinical trial or put them on the waiting list if none is currently available.

We wanted a resource where people who are looking for better help can find it, because one of the issues that I have found is that the diagnosis takes a little bit, some people don’t know if they are diagnosed or not. This is something that it is important enough, that is why I wanted to put the information together.