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So far, a cure for mesothelioma does not exist but the latest therapies have been proved to improve the life expectancy of the patients with mesothelioma. Clinical trials also help people who suffer from an incipient form of the disease to live 3-5 years or even more.

Patients with aggressive mesothelioma, which have a good general health state can try multimodal therapy in order to improve the results of the treatment and to increase the chances of long-term survival. A lot of persons who receive multimodal therapy manage to live more than one year (the average survival rate).

We wanted a resource where people who are looking for better help can find it, because one of the issues that I have found is that the diagnosis takes a little bit, some people don’t know if they are diagnosed or not. This is something that it is important enough, that is why I wanted to put the information together.