24/7 Patient Assistance: 760-405-8205

A cancer diagnosis is always devastating, regardless of the type and severity of the disease. Nevertheless, struggling with mesothelioma is perhaps even more difficult due to the aggressive nature and negative prognosis associated with this form of cancer. Our primary mission is to provide reliable and up-to-date medical resources for people who believe might suffer from mesothelioma, as well as for patients who have already been diagnosed. We understand how challenging and frustrating not being able to find the right specialist who can quickly offer you appropriate treatment can be.

Whether you suspect you might have mesothelioma or have already received a formal diagnosis and are now looking for an experienced medical specialist who can effectively treat your condition, you have come to the right place. We know that struggling with cancer entails an astounding amount of willpower and determination. The journey is often full of obstacles which might seem insurmountable, from not being able to find the right oncologist to the extraordinary psychological distress a malignant disease causes. This is why we are bound to offer you the most comprehensive, reliable and accessible medical resources to help you throughout your endeavors.

Being diagnosed with mesothelioma involves tremendous emotional suffering for both the patient and their immediate family. Cancer can radically change your perspective on life and it often affects every aspect of your existence. Although the support of family and friends can greatly alleviate the uphill battle mesothelioma patients are facing daily, the struggle is still incredibly exhausting. The pain is also intensified by the difficulty of finding specialized help and efficient treatment, as well as because the prognosis of this type of cancer is generally negative, especially when mesothelioma is discovered in its advanced stages.

We are permanently willing to dedicate our time and effort to making useful medical resources available to anyone who might need them. Our main goals are the following:

  • To educate as many people as possible about mesothelioma: Because it is a very rare form of cancer, few individuals are well-informed in regards to mesothelioma. By providing up-to-date and accurate information about this terrible disease, we try to spread awareness and reach as many people as possible who can further educate and help others.
  • To help patients find the right mesothelioma specialist who can provide them with effective treatment: Benefiting from the professional guidance of a highly skilled and experienced oncologist specialized in mesothelioma cases is essential. The individualized treatment regimen they can plan for you will significantly improve your prognosis or even cure your condition if it has been detected in its early stages. Over 5,000 mesothelioma experts are included in our database and you can easily find one in your area by entering your ZIP code
  • To prompt people who are at high risk for mesothelioma to get diagnosed: Early diagnosis is crucial when it comes to mesothelioma, as the disease has a very rapid progress. Mesothelioma can be efficiently treated in its early stages, as a wide range of treatments is available. However, when cancer fails to be timely detected, the number of treatment options which you can safely undergo is dramatically limited. We always emphasize the importance of early diagnosis and believe it is better to be excessively cautious if you believe might suffer from mesothelioma.

We wanted a resource where people who are looking for better help can find it, because one of the issues that I have found is that the diagnosis takes a little bit, some people don’t know if they are diagnosed or not. This is something that it is important enough, that is why I wanted to put the information together.