As Pulmonologist, Dr. James Lineback MD, is practicing medicine in Riverside, California. Dr. Lineback main specialty is Pulmonary Disease. He got the title of Master of Science in 1974, from Department of Human Anatomy of University of Illinois, College of Medicine. He graduated as doctor in Medicine at University of Illinois, College of Medicine, in 1977. His residency has been completed at Los Angeles County, University of California Medical Center, from 1978 to 1980.His long carrier in patient care include years in emergency medicine and practice in Newport Beach, California. Now he is Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at University of California, Riverside.
University of Illinois College of Medicine
Medical School
University of Southern California - LAC+USC Medical Center
University of Southern California - LAC+USC Medical Center
American Board of Internal Medicine
PIH Health Hospital - Whittier
Languages: English/Spanish
(562) 698-0811
12401 Washington Blvd
Read MoreQueen of the Valley Medical Center
Languages: English/Spanish
(707) 252-4411
1000 Trancas St
Read MoreReceptor recognition sites reside in both lobes of human serum transferrin.
Mason, A. B., Tam, B. M., Woodworth, R. C., Oliver, R. W., Green, B. N., Lin, L. N., Brandts, J. F., Savage, K. J., Lineback, J. A., MacGillivray, R. T.; Biochem J. 1997 Aug 15.
See more >>Structural-functional studies of human transferrin by using in vitro mutagenesis.
Chow, B. K., Funk, W. D., Banfield, D. K., Lineback, J. A., Mason, A. B., Woodworth, R. C., MacGillivray, R. T.; Curr Stud Hematol Blood Transfus. 1991.
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