Dr. Mark Newman is a radiology specialist located in Jonesboro, Arkansas and he works with multiple hospitals in the area, including Crittenden Memorial Hospital, St. Bernards Medical Center, and Lawrence Memorial Hospital. He got his diploma from University of Tennessee College of Medicine and completed his residency in Radiology at San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium. The doctor is certified in Diagnostic Radiology and has more than 20 years of experience.
University of Tennessee
Medical School
Dwight D Eisenhower Army Medical Center
San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium
AR State Medical License: 1998 - 2016
American Board of Radiology: Diagnostic Radiology

American Board of Radiology
St. Bernards Medical Center
Languages: English/Spanish
(870) 207-7300
225 E Jackson Ave
Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401 
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Dr. Mark Newman has contributed to 2 publications.
17 citations Agreement of blood spot card measurements of vitamin D levels with serum, whole blood specimen types and a dietary recall instrument.
Larkin, E.K., Gebretsadik, T., Koestner, N., Newman, M.S., Liu, Z., Carroll, K.N., Minton, P., Woodward, K., Hartert, T.V.; PLoS One. 2011.
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A liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry method for determination of 25-hydroxy vitamin d(2) and 25-hydroxy vitamin d(3) in dried blood spots: a potential adju...
Newman, M.S., Brandon, T.R., Groves, M.N., Gregory, W.L., Kapur, S., Zava, D.T.; J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2009 Jan.
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