24/7 Patient Assistance: 760-405-8205
Paulette Mhawech, MD
Conditions Treated Laryngeal Cancer Lung Cancer Ovarian Cancer Pericardial Mesothelioma Peritoneal Mesothelioma Pleural Mesothelioma Pleural Plaques Pleuritis Testicular Mesothelioma
Hospitals & Clinics
USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center
specialties & services
Cancer Antigen 125, CA Fibulin-3 Human MPF ELISA Kit Mesomark Osteopontin SOMAmer Panel
Wait Time
Blue Cross of CaliforniaBlue Shield of CaliforniaCignaFirst Health PPOHealth NetMedicareMultiPlan
St Joseph\'s University
Medical School
University of Texas Medical Branch Hospitals
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Baylor College of Medicine
American Board of Pathology
Languages: English/Spanish
(323) 865-3000
1441 Eastlake Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90033
Myelodysplastic syndrome: review of the cytogenetic and molecular data.
Mhawech, P., Saleem, A.; Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2001 Dec.
Glassy cell carcinoma of the endometrium: a case report and review of the literature.
Mhawech, P., Dellas, A., Terracciano, L. M.; Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2001 Jun.
Testicular atrophy in 80 HIV-positive patients: a multivariate statistical analysis.
Mhawech, P., Onorato, M., Uchida, T., Borucki, M. J.; Int J STD AIDS. 2001 Apr.
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