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Dr. Thomas Washburn is a surgeon from Huntsville, Alabama. He is specialized in thoracic and cardiac surgery and has an overall experience of more than 30 years in the medical field. During his career, he handled multiple cases of lung and laryngeal cancer. Dr. Washburn has graduated from the University of Virginia School of Medicine and continued his formative course with two residency stages, one in thoracic surgery at the Rush University Medical Center and one in general surgery at the University of Alabama Medical Center. He holds the American Board of Thoracic Surgery Certificate for thoracic and cardiac surgery. Dr. Thomas Washburn is currently affiliated with several medical institutions such as the Huntsville Hospital and the Crestwood Medical Center. He accepts the following health insurances: Aetna, Cigna, UnitedHealthcare, Multiplan.
University of Virginia
Medical School
University of Alabama Medical Center
Rush University Medical Center
American Board of Surgery
American Board of Thoracic Surgery - Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery
American College of Surgeons
Society of Thoracic Surgeons