Dr. Vijay Rao is a radiologist based in San Diego, California. He is a board-certified practitioner in diagnostic radiology. He graduated from the Baylor College of Medicine and proceeded with two residency stages, in radiology at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and in internal medicine at the Kaiser Permanente Southern California. Dr. Vijay Rao is currently affiliated with the Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles Medical Center.
Baylor College of Medicine
Medical School
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
Kaiser Permanente Southern California
American Board of Radiology - Diagnostic Radiology
Dr. Vijay Rao is a radiologist based in San Diego, California. He is a board-certified practitioner in diagnostic radiology. He graduated from the Baylor College of Medicine and proceeded with two residency stages, in radiology at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and in internal medicine at the Kaiser Permanente Southern California. Dr. Vijay Rao is currently affiliated with the Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles Medical Center.